& Hypopigmentation
Causes &
What is Hyperpigmentation?
When a specific area of the skin turns darker than its surrounding area, it is referred in medical term as hyperpigmentation. This happens when melanin production is higher in the area or when melanin deposits are formed in the particular area. Melanin is the skin pigment responsible for our skin color. When it is deposited in one particular area of the skin in a larger amount, that specific area becomes darker, forming patches. This will result in uneven skin tone. Hyperpigmentation affects a large number of people across India. Wondering what causes them?
These are the causes of Hyperpigmentation..
- Over exposure to the sun
- Hormonal imbalance or hormonal changes due to pregnancy
- Medications & medical conditions
- Inflammation of skin due to trauma / injury
Chemical peels
Chemical peels are not just recommended for wrinkles & acne scars, but also for hyperpigmentation. These peels are highly effective in removing dark patches, as they remove the affected layer of the skin for regeneration of fresh layer. To know more about this treatment, check out our previous blog – Best In-clinic Treatments for Pigmentation
Laser treatment
Just like how lasers used for hair removal target on the hair follicles, laser used for hyperpigmentation will target the melanin of the affected skin to promote healing process. The advantages of laser treatment are:
- It is painless
- No downtime
- Instant results
Melanin Break Therapy
Melanin Break Therapy is an advanced technology in the realm of skin lightening. Hyperpigmentation, sun tan, melasma and dark patches are treatable with MBT.
Read our previous blog to get an extensive idea about all the treatments VCare offers for pigmentation.
What is Hypopigmentation?
When patches on the skin are lighter than the original skin tone, it is called as hypopigmentation. This condition occurs when the skin cells don’t secrete enough melanin. As a result, a specific area of the skin turns lighter than its surrounding areas. Certain people may have this condition from birth, while some people develop this at a later stage in their lives. To know more about hypopigmentation, check out this article.
Below are the common causes of Hypopigmentation..
- Genetic condition like Albinism
- Cosmetic treatment gone wrong
- Skin injury, burns or trauma
- Medical conditions
Micropigmentation is a cosmetic procedure used to restore lost skin color and even out uneven skin tone. It is also used to cover up scars and redefine eyelashes, eyebrows and lips. The treatment is highly beneficial for people with Vitiligo, a type of hypopigmentation. The procedure usually takes a few hours and help people with medical conditions regain the lost skin color.
To get in touch with our skincare specialists, contact +917092525252. VCare offers all the above-mentioned Hyperpigmentation treatment and procedures at an affordable cost. Our skincare specialists will analyze your skin and know its complete history before proceeding with the treatment. Click here to book a consultation.