Why Pigmentation Occurs?
Top 5 Causes Uncovered

Pigmentation affects a major chunk of the population. Many of you might think the term refers to either discolored skin or dark patches on the skin. But, it does not just refer to these two skin problems. Under the umbrella of pigmentation come various skin issues including freckles, acne, dark circles, pimples, scars, birthmarks, and sun tan. Pigmentation is a technical term to represent all the above skin issues.

While some of you exactly know what caused dark patches on your skin, many of you might wonder what caused that dark patch or freckle you’re frowning over. Pigmentation can occur due to internal and external factors.

Exposure to the Sun (Sun Tan)                        

Over exposure to the Sun causes Pigmentation

Sun exposure is one of the commonest external factors causing pigmentation. Continuous or long-term exposure to the Sun will increase the melanin in your skin. Melanin is the skin pigment that is responsible for your skin and hair color. Higher melanin production will result on Sun tan. Sometimes the melanin cannot protect our skin and the Sun’s UV rays pass deep through our skin causing sunburns and permanent skin discoloration. Overexposure to UV rays can also cause wrinkles, fine lines, premature skin aging, and red spots.

To read more about the risks of Sun Tan, read our previous blog.

Shield your skin from too much sun exposure. Apply suitable sunscreen according to your skin type whenever you step out to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.  

Hormonal imbalance

Melasma is one of the popular causes of pigmentation, which mostly occurs due to hormonal imbalance and pregnancy.

Hormonal imbalance can cause Melasma, which is a patchy skin discoloration or freckle occurring on various parts of your face such as cheeks, chin, nose, upper lip, and forehead. For some, it can also appear on the forearms, back, and neck area. Melasma mostly affects people with darker skin and is commonly seen in women than men. Overexposure to the Sun, harmful skincare products, and pregnancy can also cause Melasma. It often occurs for women during and after their reproductive age. For many, Melasma may fade over a few months or years, but for some, it may remain permanent.

Click here to read extensively about Melasma and other common types of pigmentation.

Treating Melasma requires early identification and following appropriate treatments or medications recommended by a skincare expert. Treatments differ from person to person.

Genetic reasons

Very rarely genetic reasons are responsible for pigmentation.

Genes play a critical role in determining our skin color and melanin production. Commonly, people who have darker skin give birth to children of darker skin, and fair-skinned parents have children of the same complexion. Similarly, some types of hypopigmentation like Vitiligo and Albinism can be passed on from parents to children through genes. This doesn’t mean you will have pigmentation if your mother or father had it. It depends from person to person.

Genetic factors do not drive all kinds of pigmentation. There is no one particular solution to genetically transferred pigmentation. The medication will vary depending on the pigmentation type and your skin nature.

Medical issues / Trauma (Post-inflammatory pigmentation)

Post-inflammatory pigmentation can happen due to injury or trauma.

Pigmentation can occur on your skin due to an infection, trauma, and accident scar or after a burn. Your skin might not have replaced the pigment in that particular area after the trauma. This will result in skin discoloration, dark patches, or uneven skin texture. Usually, dark patches caused by burns or infection may resolve on its own. But, some stay for years and might require intervention with appropriate Skin pigmentation treatment .

Unhealthy lifestyle

Another unpopular cause of pigmentation is your choice of lifestyle. Stress and smoking can cause uneven skin tone and pigmentation. Though it is hard for some to escape from work related stress, indulging in stress relief activities once in a while can improve the overall mood and decrease the probabilities of pigmentation. Smoking involves exposure of your skin to heat and nicotine- two main things responsible for pigmented lips or pigmented skin surrounding the lip area. Too much friction of skin can also cause pigmentation.

De-stress at least twice in a week by beginning a new workout routine, playing with your pets, grooming yourself, and communicating with your family and friends

What really matters is..

If there are dark patches on your skin or a part of your skin is discolored, make sure you consult a skin care expert to assist on a Proper Pigmentation Treatment for face. At VCare, we offer effective pigmentation treatments to transform your skin back to its real brightness and glow.

Feel free to contact us at +917092525252 to book an appointment or Click here to chat with VCare skin experts for an instant solution.