As we age, our skin loses its youthful appearance, and signs of aging become more and more obvious. Fine facial lines and sagging skin are just two aging indicators, but they are important areas to address because these early signs of aging indicate a breakdown of the skin’s tissues. The face and neck areas are common areas of concern, but a thread lift procedure can also be used to address other areas of concern such as sagging buttocks, and wrinkly knees etc..

VCare’s thread lift procedure is an innovative procedure that focuses on targeting the signs of aging on the lower face and involves subcutaneous placement of PDO threads which are pulled to achieve the desired skin lift effect. Although it can address eyebrow sagging and cheek sagging, thread lift often focuses its attention on mid face, jowl, and neck-lifting.


We would be delighted to serve you with our services, Let us get in touch with you

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  • With our VCare thread lift procedure experience rejuvenated, younger looking skin.
  • It Smoothes, lifts, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Enhances skin elasticity.
  • Brightens and improves skin tone and texture.
  • Our thread lift is a non invasive treatment. So, there will be No scarring.
  • Better defines facial contours.
  • It stimulates long term collagen and elastin production.